2023 Omnibus Education Finance and Policy Bill’s highlighted by SEE staff.
2023 Omnibus Education Finance and Policy Bill’s highlighted by SEE staff.
Attached is the SEE bill summaries of the omnibus education finance and policy bill. SEE staff has attempted to hit the legislation’s major points and describe the provision beyond the bullet point. Also attached is a copy of the official summary assembled by House Research staff and a copy of the bill. SEE staff has put the page numbers of each article (but not the page numbers for particular sections) in the title line of each article in my summary so that you can read the verbatim language that is contained in the bill. There is a lot here and everyone is still sifting through the sections to determine how they will affect schools in the year (or in some cases years) ahead.
SEE Conference Committee Summary
2023 Omnibus Education Finance and Policy Conference Committee Report Bill Summary
2023 Omnibus Education Finance and Policy Conference Committee Report
See the education funding priorities of the Governor, House, and Senate.
An up-to-date look at education bills currently under consideration.
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