Schools for Equity in Education

– Legislative Update

The final education budget and policy bill was released. I will have a final legislative update next week to wrap up the session.

Education budget provisions

The budget provisions below are from Brad’s Blog. Again, check out the blog for what has happened this week at the Capitol.

  • Basic formula increase of 2.45% for 2021-22 and 2% increase for 2022-23.
  • $46.5 million to preserve the voluntary pre-kindergarten seats for the next two years.
  • $10.45 million over the biennium for special education cross-subsidy 
  • $4 million over this biennium and $4 million in the next biennium to reduce the English Language Learner cross-subsidy.

Additionally, the bill includes this ongoing funding:

  • $280,000 for American Indian Teacher Preparation Grants.
  • $750,000 in this biennium for the Black Men Teach program.
  • $400,000 in this biennium for Come Teach in Minnesota Hiring Bonuses.
  • $250,000 in this biennium for Expanded Concurrent Enrollment.
  • $10 million in this biennium for Grow Your Own
  • $4.508 million in this biennium for Teachers of Color Mentoring and Retention Incentive Grants.
  • $500,000 in this biennium for Teacher Recruitment and Marketing Campaign.

And this one-time money:

  • $3 million in this biennium for the Sanneh Foundation.
  • $3 million in this biennium for LETRS grants.
  • $1.75 million in this biennium for non-exclusionary discipline training with the House language included.
  • $300,000 for Children’s Museums statewide.
  • $1 million for Digital Well-Being Grant.
  • $1.5 million for Girls in Action.
  • $1 million for Math Corps.
  • $150,000 for Minnesota Civics Education Coalition.
  • $1 million for Right Size College Entrance Examination Reimbursement.
  • $265,000 for Suicide Prevention Teacher Training Grants (one-time mone).


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SEE Side-by-Side Comparison

See the education funding priorities of the Governor, House, and Senate.

Education Bill Summary

An up-to-date look at education bills currently under consideration.

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